StakeMap - KickOff

The StakeMap project focuses on the Water-Pollutants-Stakeholders nexus in the urban wastewater treatment sector. Free online registration: [](

10 Februar 2025
13h30 16h30



AAC - "Landscape Ecology Meetings" (REP)

The ITI Switch supports these meetings, which aim to foster exchanges through scientific communications, including plenary sessions,…

8 11 April 2025
8h54 18h54

StakeMap - KickOff

The StakeMap project focuses on the Water-Pollutants-Stakeholders nexus in the urban wastewater treatment sector. Free online registration:…

10 Februar 2025
13h30 16h30

Welcome !

The ITI Switch, Interdisciplinary Thematic Institute | Sustainability of Hydrosystems and Urban Socio-Ecosystems, integrates research and education activities addressing the socio-ecological transformations of hydric and urban systems in response to climatic and anthropogenic challenges.

Led by the University of Strasbourg and the CNRS, under the framework of excellence programmes (ANR-10-IDEX-0002 and ANR-20-SFRI-0012), ITI Switch brings together the expertise of 105 members from 8 joint research units (UMR) and 11 university faculties.

Through transdisciplinary approaches, ITI Switch aims to understand, co-create, experiment with, and disseminate solutions for the sustainability of socio-hydrosystems. This is achieved notably through its seven “Living Labs”, which engage local authorities, public stakeholders, and private partners in international networks.

Explore our mission and commitments in our dedicated charter, designed to formalise and guide our collective actions in sustainability-focused research and education.