About us

In January 2020, the University of Strasbourg and CNRS Research Initiative in Sustainability and the Environment (RISE) has been labeled in the framework of the Initiative of Excellence "Crossing Borders" co-sponsored by the University of Strasbourg, CNRS and Inserm. The RISE brings together researchers from the Alsatian university site to form an interdisciplinary scientific group in the field of environmental sciences and sustainability.


Our vision is to consolidate the environmental and sustainability sciences at Unistra/CNRS, withing the Alsacian academic site. This consolidation is carried out by favouring an inter- or even trans-disciplinary approach and by developing a research and training centre of international scope. The RISE mission is to create through strong leadership and structured collective actions the conditions for strengthening our interdisciplinary research capacities and to be brought to the level of an Interdisciplinary Thematic Institute in four years.


Based on our common experience acquired over the last 15 years through various federative projects (Interreg III, IV and V, PIREN-Alsace, REALISE, OHGE, ZAEU, URCforSR, OHM-Fessenheim, etc.),the RISE - functions as an incubator for national and international research projects in environmental sciences and sustainability. Our strategy is to mobilise the strengths of RISE's research units through interdisciplinary workshops and project developments around key topic highlighting the specificity and strengths of Strasbourg's environmental research. This dynamic is also based on a conference cycle, international symposia, training through research (doctorates, Master 2 internships, interdisciplinary projects in sustainability), an annual Forum with socio-economic actors involved in environmental and sustainability issues as well as the animation of a network of young researchers (Young Scientist Research Prize in Sustainability Sciences, Environment and Sustainability Day).



  1. To strengthen and structure high-level research in environmental and sustainability sciences on the academic Alsatian site.
  2. To favor collaborations and respond to research calls and to develop valorisation actions.
  3. To develop federating experimental and observatory sites and service platforms (experimental/analytical) in environmental and sustainability sciences.





Steering commitee (including Directorate)


Scientific board (including Steering Committee):


Working Groups, for the preparation of RISE workshops for the setting up of national/international research projects starting from a Strasbourg core.


A strategic discussion forum defining the evolution of Sustainability Sciences in Strasbourg: academic and socio-economic partners, local structures.