
Mid-term Evaluation of Strasbourg University's Interdisciplinary Thematic Institutes (ITI)

The mid-term evaluation of the Interdisciplinary Thematic Institutes (ITI) at the University of Strasbourg has endorsed the renewal of support for 13 existing ITIs and approved two new initiatives, including the ITI Switch, led by the Federation for Research in Environment and Sustainability of Strasbourg (FERED). Transitioning from a federation to an ITI represents a pivotal milestone for our FERED community, underscoring our commitment to advancing interdisciplinary research and education in environmental and sustainability sciences to address the scientific and societal challenges of the 21st century. We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your support and contributions in building this initiative.

Launch of ITI Switch

Set to commence on 1 January 2025, ITI Switch focuses on the sustainability of hydrosystems and urban socio-ecosystems. Dedicated to research and education in sustainability, this ITI, coordinated by EOST, leverages the diversity and complementarity of its entities (8 UMRs and 11 components) and its 105 members.

This ITI aims to understand, co-create, experiment with, and disseminate innovative concepts and approaches for the socio-ecological transformation of hydrological and urban systems. It will explore the dynamics of socio-ecosystems in response to climatic and anthropogenic challenges, placing them at the centre of societal and territorial transitions. ITI Switch operates through seven "Living Labs" embedded in international networks and engaging local authorities as well as public and private stakeholders.

Structured around six scientific challenges, this ITI will enable the development of transdisciplinary methods and tools for research and education, introducing novel concepts and establishing scenarios to address the complexity of socio-hydrosystems and urban socio-ecosystems, along with their governance. Furthermore, it seeks to develop integrative tools to support management and decision-making processes.

The overarching vision of ITI Switch is to consolidate its international expertise and initiatives in research and education, particularly in the field of sustainability for continental water systems, exemplified by the EUCOR Master's programme in Continental Water Sustainability.

ITI Switch Charter

Establishing a Framework for Our Shared Commitments

To formalise and strengthen our shared commitments to transdisciplinary research and education dedicated to sustainability, a specific charter for ITI SWITCH has been established. This charter complements, without replacing, the general charter of the Interdisciplinary Thematic Institutes (ITI) of the University of Strasbourg. It outlines guiding principles designed to ensure coherence, ethics, and efficiency in the pursuit of our objectives.

The ITI Switch Charter


This document aims to enhance our collective understanding of the foundations of our shared approach. It has been developed and deliberated by the scientific council of FERED and is intended to evolve throughout the lifespan of the ITI.

Membership within the ITI SWITCH framework implies adherence to the general principles outlined in this charter.

Next Key Date: Launch of the ITI Scientific Project Call in February 2025

Interdisciplinarity and Sustainability Science at the Core of the ITI’s 2025 Call for Projects

The 2025 ITI Call for Projects will focus on interdisciplinarity and sustainability science addressing water and urban-related challenges. As part of this initiative, the ITI will fund two half PhD scholarships across two co-financed projects, as well as an 18-month postdoctoral position within another project.

The call will be launched in February 2025, with proposals expected by May 2025. Selected projects will commence in autumn 2025.

We encourage you to begin reflecting on inter-team and inter-UMR project proposals led by members within the ITI’s scope. These proposals should demonstrate high scientific quality, align with the ITI’s strategic axes and challenges, and, where possible, engage with the ITI’s seven Living Labs.