Report on the "(Re)Connecting River and City" Conference – March 10, 2025, Paris

Urban river restoration is essential for building resilient and livable cities.

On March 10, 2025, Yixin Cao (postdoctoral researcher at ITES, University of Strasbourg) presented "Urban River Bathing in Europe: Evolution, Typology, and Management" at the "(Re)Connecting River and City – The Seine in Paris and the Île-de-France" conference, organized by the Institut d'Études Avancées (IEA) de Paris.

Her presentation explored strategies and best practices implemented across European cities to restore urban rivers and make them suitable for swimming. She highlighted key challenges related to management, infrastructure, and public acceptance, showcasing successful case studies from various metropolitan areas.

The following evening, a discussion event at the Atelier Néerlandais further expanded on these topics, bringing together international experts to address river swimmability and urban resilience. Two roundtables featured innovative approaches and cross-city collaborations, particularly between Paris, Rotterdam, and other global urban centers.

These events contribute to a broader dialogue on urban river restoration, aligning with the themes explored within ITI SWITCH.